Innovative Gran Canaria; ends the first edition of the Factoría de Innovación, a program of personal tutoring aimed at SMEs in the Island that will help them improve their results
At the closing ceremony held in Infecar we have presented the results of experience, with 3,000 hours of counseling, mentoring and 1600 involving 16 experts in different areas of business management.
The Innovation Factory Gran Canaria (IDF) held the last session of this first edition of the program. During twelve months, business management experts have offered free advice to small and medium enterprises in the island in order to implement innovation in their processes and thus become more competitive and improve results.
The magnitudes of the project highlight the implication that have demonstrated great canaries small entrepreneurs. More than 200 freelancers and owners of micro-enterprises have participated in 18 group sessions and 50 specific workshops that have been held throughout the whole island geography. One of the objectives of the FDI has been to reach the largest possible number of entrepreneurs, so the meetings have moved from Mogan to guide, to Arucas, San Mateo, Las Palmas, Telde or Arguineguín, to name only some of the municipalities where it has been.
Nearly 3,000 hours of counseling. More than 1,500 hours of personal tutoring. September 16 consultants and experts. A total of 800 attendees. It is therefore an initiative that has managed to convey the importance of innovation in the business. In addition, participants has undergone a satisfaction survey and evaluation was 3.5 points out of 4. To this is added the spread and impact it has had in the media, with support actions small entrepreneurs to make known to their professional projects.
At the closing ceremony held in the building Incubate Infecar present were the director of ERDF projects of the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), Pablo Velasco; the manager of the Society of Economic Promotion of Gran Canaria, Jimena Delgado; and a large group of project participants, both employers and consultants and teachers, who could attend the talk of the founder of E-Waste Canaries, David Bustabad, canary entrepreneur who has launched the first plant of treatment of electrical waste in Europe it offers a highly hazardous waste decontamination, which also has a social commitment to the integration of people with disabilities.
Also some entrepreneurs shared their success and participated in the delivery of diplomas after passing through FDI.
Here are the final group photo. Thank you all and goodbye.
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